Top Sociology Schools in Missouri

Interested in a graduate degree in Sociology from a top program within the state of Missouri? We offer rankings of best Missouri Sociology graduate programs. Review the following schools to see requirements for Master and Doctoral degrees in the area of Sociology.

Sociology Schools in Missouri


Missouri [m ɪ su ː ri, English m ɪ z ʊ ər ɪ ], abbreviation Missouri, post officially MO, state located in the Midwestern United States, 178,397 km 2, (2015) 6080000 residents (1960: 4, 32 million, 1980: 4.92 million, 2000: 5.60 million residents). The capital is Jefferson City. Missouri is divided into 114 counties and the district of Saint Louis.

Law and Politics

1945 Constitution (with numerous amendments); Senate with 34, House of Representatives with 163 members. Missouri is represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 8 MPs.


The state stretches on both sides of the Missouri and has a share in the flat undulating ground moraine landscape of the Central Lowlands and in the southeast of the Mississippi Lowlands; South Missouri lies in the forested Ozark Mountains (up to 540 m above sea level). The maritime, warm summer climate takes on a continental character in the north. Cyclones are common in summer (especially in June and July). There is frequent flooding from the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers; During the flood of the century in 2011, dams had to be blown to relieve the rivers; numerous people had to leave their homes and fertile farmland was washed away.


In 2014, the proportion of whites was 83.5%, that of blacks 11.8%, and the remainder 4.7%. Largest cities are Kansas City, Saint Louis, Springfield and Independence.

  • TopSchoolsInTheUSA: Looking for a high school that is worth for your kids to attend in the state of Missouri? Check this site to find a full list of honor K-12 high school programs in Missouri.
  • Provide a complete list of postal codes in Missouri by city and town in alphabetical order. Also covers primary schools, high schools, and local government within the state of Missouri.
Rankings Sociology Programs
1 University of Missouri
Department of Sociology
Address: 312 Middlebush Hall, Columbia, MO 65211-6100
Phone: (573) 882-8331

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