Top Social Work Schools in Alabama

Interested in a graduate degree in Social Work from a top program within the state of Alabama? We offer rankings of best Alabama Social Work graduate programs. Review the following schools to see requirements for Master and Doctoral degrees in the area of Social Work.

Social Work Schools in Alabama

  • TopSchoolsInTheUSA: It is not as difficult as you thought to earn a BBA degree in the state of Alabama. Check this site to find an opportunity for pursing a bachelor education from top business colleges in Alabama.
  • simplyyellowpages: Offers a list of major colleges and universities in Alabama. Also covers major cities and towns of Alabama.
Rankings Social Work Programs
1 University of Alabama
School of Social Work
Address: Box 870314, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0314
Phone: (205) 348-7027
2 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Graduate Social Work Department
Address: PO Box 1417, Normal, AL 35762
Phone: (256) 851-5478


Enterprise is a small town in Coffee County that was founded in 1881 by John Henry Carnichael. She is best known for her “Boll Weevil Monument”. This is a huge monument with a woman holding a cotton boll beetle over her head. It was built to commemorate the cotton harvest that was destroyed by such a beetle. The city has a wealth of attractions, both historical and contemporary, which make it a year-round destination. In addition to the “Boll Weevil Monument”, visitors are also drawn to the “Fort Rucker”, the historic “Rawls Hotel”, the “Army Aviation Museum” and the “Aviator Monument” in southeast Alabama.

The Gulf of Alabama

The Gulf Shores’ most famous attractions are the white powdered-sugar sands of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. In addition to the world-class beaches, the “Old Courthouse Museum” in Pittsburgh, Dauphin Island Historic Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan and the warship “USS Alabama” in Mobile are well worth a visit.


Located on beautiful Mobile Bay, Mobile is the largest port in Alabama. Mobile is often called the “Port City” or “City of Six Flags”. The city was named after the French fortress “Fort Louis de la Mobile”. Founded in 1702, Mobile was the original capital of the Louisiana Territory. The typical southern flair is particularly evident in this city in the special antebellum architecture and the beautiful parks with gardens. The pretty town has so many sights to offer that are definitely worth visiting. Worth mentioning are the old farmhouse “Carlen House Museum”, the “Bragg-Mitchell Mansion”, the “Richards-DAR House” built in the Italian style, or the magnificent mansion”.

Gulf Shores

The small coastal town of Gulf Shores is located directly on the Gulf of Mexico and is a popular tourist destination due to its advantageous location. Fine white sand beaches, fresh seafood, world-class golf courses, the site of Mobile Bay where a battle was fought during the American Revolution, Gulf State Park and Fort Morgan Historic Site and Museum – these are just a few things the little place has in store for its guests. In fact, the events that have taken place and are taking place here are almost as numerous as the sights. For example, the world famous “National Shrimp Festival” takes place every year in October. Excellent seafood, handicrafts and musical accompaniment make it the event of the season. There is also the “Fishing Rodeo”, which lasts a whole month (all of October) and promises a lot of fun and great prices. There are also other attractions such as the “Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo”, the “Pelican Place at Crafts Farm” and the amusement park “Waterville USA”.

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