Top Physical Therapy Schools in Kentucky

Interested in a graduate degree in Physical Therapy from a top program within the state of Kentucky? We offer rankings of best Kentucky Physical Therapy graduate programs. Review the following schools to see requirements for Master and Doctoral degrees in the area of Physical Therapy.

Physical Therapy Schools in Kentucky

  • TopSchoolsInTheUSA: It is not as difficult as you thought to earn a postgraduate degree of Pharmacy in the state of Kentucky. Check this site to find an opportunity for pursing a Master or Doctoral degree in Pharmacy from top graduate programs in Kentucky.
  • ehotelat: List of Small Inns and B&Bs within the state of Kentucky. Also includes discount hotels in major cities of Kentucky.
Rankings Physical Therapy Programs
1 University of Kentucky
Division of Physical Therapy
Address: 900 S. Limestone Room 204, Lexington, KY 40536-0200
Phone: (859) 323-1100
2 Bellarmine University
Lansing School of Nursing and Health Science
Address: 2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40205
Phone: (502) 452-8356

Old Stone Jail

The “Old Stone Jail” is in Carrollton. It was built in 1880 and was Carroll County’s official prison until 1969. The two-story building has a basement that was used for solitary confinement. The prisoners were handcuffed by their limbs and sat on the drained brick floor. The men were originally accommodated on the first floor, the women and children on the second. Both floors are constructed identically. Each floor had four cells and a “pot belly” that was supposed to provide warmth in the cold winter months. There were no windows, but instead many small slits that were covered with a curtain in winter. The “Old Stone Jail” is freely accessible to the public.

Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History

The “Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History” is located in Bardstown and is a stop on the “American Whiskey Trail”. The museum is housed in the “Spalding Hall” and shows the interesting history of American whiskey in various exhibitions, from its beginnings in the colonial era to the 1960’s. Rare documents such as Abraham Lincoln’s liquor license, advertising posters and regulations for the medical use of alcohol during the Nazi era are on display, as well as old whiskey bottles and stills from the illicit distillery.

Red River Gorge

The “Red River Gorge” is a canyon and part of a huge canyon in Menifee County, which was formed by the Red River that gives it its name. The landscape of the “Red River Gorge” is characterized by numerous natural bridges, rock overhangs, imposing waterfalls and steep sandstone cliffs. In the world it has made a big name for itself primarily as a popular climbing area. Nowhere else do you have the opportunity to climb such extremely steep sandstone cliffs as here. The area of ​​the “Red River Gorge” has been designated a National Historic Landmark.

Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill

Pleasant Hill is where the Shaker religious community was active from 1805 to 1910. Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, also known as Shakertown, is 40 km southwest of Lexington in Kentucky’s Bluegrass Region. After some conservation work, the Shaker Village was declared a National Historic Landmark District and added to the National Register of Historic Places and is now a very popular tourist attraction. The buildings have all been extensively restored and now shine again in their old splendor. Visitors have the opportunity to explore the Shaker village on their own. There is a small restaurant and overnight accommodation. In addition, various exhibitions and musical events are held in the museum.

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